You must know about Bursitis Treatment and Causes

Bursitis can be defined as a painful condition where a bursa has swelled up and has got irritated. This bursa is a small sac that is filled with synovial fluid and lies between the bone and tendons. It helps in preventing friction between bone and soft tissue by acting as a cushion.

A bursa enlarges with the fluid when this painful condition takes place. If there is any movement against or direct pressure is put on bursa then it will become very painful for the patient. There are 150 bursae in the human body and bursitis can occur in any of the bursae. Some of the main places where a bursa can occur are – shoulder, elbow, knees, ankle, hips, and thigh.

Causes of Bursitis –

There are several causes of bursitis and these are as follows –

  1. If prolonged pressure is applied to the area of the bursa, then it can lead to bursitis. For example, if a person is working on their knees for a long time or in case of a student who leans on the elbow for a long period then it can result in bursitis.
  2. Bursitis can also be caused by repetitive movements on the body. One of the most common examples is when playing baseball where there is overhead arm activity. Repetitive kneeling, generally in the case of a carpenter, can lead to bursitis of the knees.
  3. Bursitis can also be caused as a result of an injury.
  4. Infectious bursitis also is known as septic bursitis can also incur as a result of infection.
  5. Bursitis can also occur as a result of other diseases such as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and in uremia or crystal deposits, etc.

Diagnosis of Bursitis –

Bursitis can be diagnosed by your doctor with the help of clinical symptoms and clinical examination. A clinical assessment is done by checking for tenderness on the palpation of the bursae. It also takes into account the swelling and the pain associated during movement and during the period of rest. It is important to differentiate bursitis from other similar conditions. A further investigation such as an MRI or ultrasound may be required. An X-Ray can prove to be a valuable source for distinguishing and excluding fractures.

How Can A Physiotherapist Help In The Treatment of Bursitis – 

  • A physiotherapist can teach the patient self-management techniques such as ice and rest etc.
  • A physiotherapist can suggest you certain exercises which will help in improving strength and enhance the quality of movements
  • He will suggest you massage so as to reduce the tension around the surrounding muscles.
  • He will provide his valuable advice on how you should make movements so that it can help in preventing further irritation and inflammation of the bursae.
  • He can ask you to opt for taping which will help in supporting and improving pain-free movement.
  • Lastly, he can suggest you get in touch with a general practitioner if there is any further investigation required. 

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