7 Causes for Pain under Your Shoulder Blade

We’ve all experienced a little shoulder blade pain here and there. However, sustained or frequent shoulder blade pain symptoms are not normal and may be a sign of underlying disease such as osteoporosis or bone cancer. The shoulder is the most movable joint in the human body. A group of four muscles and their tendons called the rotator cuff give the shoulder its wide range of motion. Any swelling, damage, or bone changes around the rotator cuff can cause shoulder pain.

We have created this infographic to help educate people on the top causes of this type of pain, so they are better able to prevent or seek treatment for it. Let us have a look at 7 likely causes for pain under your shoulder blade:

  1. Rotator cuff tendinitis– It is also known as bursitis. Shoulder pain occurs when rotator cuff tendons become trapped under the bony area in the shoulder. The tendons become inflamed or damaged. In many cases there is inflammation of a fluid-filled sac (bursa) that normally protects the joint and helps it move smoothly. This condition is called rotator cuff tendinitis or bursitis.
  2. Cervical Disc Herniation – Most cases of pain under the shoulder blade are caused by bulging or herniated discs. A disc injury can happen over time with movements that are often repetitive (such as lifting, twisting, and reaching).The disc itself is a “shock absorber” that separates and cushions the vertebrae. Herniated discs are one of the most common reasons for shoulder and back pain. They can occur anywhere along the spinal column as a result of a number of different things – some of which may be avoidable, and some of which may not. Herniated discs come about when there is a rupture in the outer layer of an intervertebral disc, allowing the soft nucleus material to leak out into the spinal canal.
  3. Poor Posture – If you sit in a prolong posture for a long time, your spine may undergo structural changes. This can cause pain beneath the shoulder blade. Sitting in a slouched position causes our upper back to move forward, changing the position of our shoulder blades. This ultimately alters the way our shoulder blades move. Proper shoulder blade movement is critical to shoulder motion, strength, and function. Improper movement at the shoulder blade due to tightness and weakness can often result in an injury to the rotator cuff. This is one of the primary and often ignored reasons of pain under your shoulder blade.
  4. Trauma – Any injury to the shoulder blade or surrounding areas due to a fall or accident can cause trauma. This can cause pain and inflammation under your shoulder blade. The degree of pain depends on the extent of injury. For instance, in case of a car accident, a neck injury can occur when the head suddenly moves backwards and then forward. This can cause trauma to the rotator cuff muscles which in turn leads to pain under the shoulder blade.
  5. Cardiac Issues – Shoulder blade pain is sometimes a symptom of heart attack, especially among women. Other signs, such as chest pain and shortness of breath, may also be present. If you have sudden pressure or crushing pain in your shoulder, especially if the pain runs from your chest to the left jaw, arm or neck, or occurs with shortness of breath, dizziness, or sweating, seek emergency medical treatment.
  6. Pulmonary tuberculosis – Pulmonary tuberculosis is also a well-recognized cause of pain in the shoulder. The tenderness and pain may be either superficial or deep. Signs that the infection has spread outside your lungs may include frozen shoulder and severe pain under your shoulder blade.
  7. Cancer – Sometimes, shoulder blade pain is caused by cancer itself. When cancer spreads from your breast to your bones, liver, or other body parts, one of the symptoms of that metastasis is shoulder pain. This pain can be near your shoulder blade or in your shoulder joint or upper back. People who have shoulder pain from lung cancer often describe it as a radiating pain from the shoulder down their arms to their hands. There may also be numbness or tingling. At other times, it can feel like a deep ache. If you experience anything like this, seek immediate medical attention.

Any kind of prolonged pain episodes should never be ignored. It’s a well known saying – “Health is wealth”. No materialistic pleasure can make you happy if you are unwell. Remember to take care of your health and address any health issue as and when it arises. For any assistance or knowledge about physical therapy in managing health issues, please contact us and our experts are here at your service.

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